På låven sitter nissen

The song being played is entitled : "På låven sitter nissen", The "nisse" is in the barn. The song is about a "nisse" eating his Christmas porridge - but the rats are dancing around annoying him. At last the "nisse" says he will go fetch the cat - and finally the rats give up.
På låven sitter nissen med sin julegrøt så god og søt, så god og søt.Han nikker, og han smiler, og han er så glad,for julegrøten vil han gjerne ha.
Men rundt omkring står alle de små rotter,og de skotter, og de skotter De vil så gjerne ha litt julegodter,
og de danse, danser rundt i ring.
Men nissen, se han truer med sin store skje: ``nei, bare se og kom av sted, for julegrøten min den vil jeg ha i fred,og ingen, ingen vil jeg dele med.``
Men rottene de hopper, og de danser, og de svinser, og de svanser, og klorer etter grøten og de danser, og de står om nissen tett i ring.
Men nissefar, han er en liten hissigpropp, og med sin kropp han gjør et hopp.
``Jeg henter katten hvis dere ikke holder opp! Når katten kommer, skal det nok bli stopp.``
Da løper alle rottene så bange,
ja, så bange,ja, så bange,
og de svinser, og de svanser noen ganger, og en, to, tre så er de vekk.


Carpenter Andersen

(also titled: Christmas Eve at Santa's)

Carpenter Andersen
Once there was a father called Andersen, the Carpenter and he had a lot of children, like fathers usually do. One Christmas Eve, he slipped out of the house while his wife and his children cracked nuts and played games. 
He was on his way down to the woodshed, where he had a Santa Claus suit and a sled with a huge sack of Christmas presents. Andersen put the costume on and pulled the sled, with all the presents out into the yard. 
But it was so icy that Christmas Eve that  Andersen slipped and fell, right on top of his sled - and the presents and away they went - down the driveway towards the main road. Close to the main road, another man with a Santa suit and sled was coming. 
"Watch out!", yelled Andersen, and tried to steer out of the way. But he couldn't see very well with his mask on, so they collided and fell off the side of the road, both of them.
"Oh, excuse me!", said Carpenter Andersen.
 "Excuse me", said the other man.
 "Looks like we are running the same errand" said Andersen, the carpenter. "I see you've got your Santa suit on, too" he said joyously. He put his hand forward and introduced himself: "I am Andersen, the carpenter."
 "Santa Claus, here" replied the other, and shook hands.
 "Huh, anything you say. Well, I guess you can allow a joke or two on Christmas Eve, "  Andersen said laughing.
 "Absolutely," said the other. "And if you agree I'll go and give your children their Christmas presents, and you can visit mine. But you'll have to take off that silly Santa suit."
"How should I dress up then?" asked Andersen.
 "There's no need for disguises, my children see Santa all year long, but they've never seen a real carpenter. Every Christmas I say to them, 'If you behave, then Andersen, the carpenter, will come on Christmas Eve while I'm out giving presents to all the children'. But this is the first time I've run into you. Why don't trade jobs tonight? Then my children won't have to be alone on Christmas Eve."
 "Sure," said Andersen, but I don't have any presents for your children."
 "Presents?" asked Santa. "Aren't you a carpenter?"
 "Well, yes," said Andersen.
 "Just bring some wood and some nails. And maybe you have a knife?"
 Of course, Andersen had a knife and he found some small pieces of wood in the woodshed.
 "Now, you can follow my tracks into the woods," said Santa, "and I'll take the sled and the sack and knock on your door. You live on the second floor, don't you?" "That's right," replied Andersen.
Would you like to read the rest of this fascinating story? 

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Santa Facts:

The Norwegian word for Santa Claus, "Julenisse" is a combination a Christian name (Nils = Nikolaus) and the hedonistic word for Christmas, Yule.

Christmas Tree Facts:

Did you know that the Christmas trees at Union Station, Washington D.C., Trafalgar Square in London and Edinburgh, Scotland are from Norway?

In 1947 the British authorities received a Christmas tree from Oslo as a special thanks for the help and support Britain gave to Norway and Norwegians during the occupation years from 1940 to 1945. Since then, the Christmas tree at Trafalgar Square has become an annual tradition.